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is this project abandoned?

(1 edit)

"Dude is still alive, but I read he was harassed so much for this game that he abandoned the project. He's a VTuber now as far as I have seen on his Twitter."

Thats really unfortunate, the game looks like it had a lot of potential. 


Will they add this game to android?

what fetishes are in the game and what are planned


Can you make an android version please


It's seems doesn't work in joiplay, why? When I added it to joiplay it worked, then when I opened the game it worked too, but I can't touch the button. Why? 


Dude is still alive, but I read he was harassed so much for this game that he abandoned the project. He's a VTuber now as far as I have seen on his Twitter.


-_- that sucks, was hoping this would get picked back up.


harassed for what? it's a perfectly good game. let me guess is it portraying children (esme, your sister and the old dudes daughter)?


The fact that he's going after his family and that one scene at the barn with the bird.

Really? What his Vtuber name, if i cant support him here i will go on Youtube

Same name if I recall, haven't really looked into it for a good while, so.


Andro plz


Has the potential to be the best in it's genre IMO. some more story is really all i can say it needs, as time outside the provided hints has little to do. Plz, finish this masterpiece.


it's been 3 years since the last update and the subscribestar is dead, i wouldn't keep my hopes up




Can we get an android port?


I think this game is stuck in limbo... anyone know of similar games that are still alive?

Deleted post

Sorry for reply late but you can try princess and conquest trust me is one of the best of this genre.


I love the horny hentai of your game ! Can I do some let's play of your game Faefire Fantasy ? (knowing that I post on porn website and earn a bit of ads revenue from that ^^)

Will this be updated?



There are still 11 people giving at least 5$ a month to the dev on sub so i guess either they still hope for something, or they completely forgot about that...


How to save game during gameplay in Pc

press x


Very fast reply

MacOS version don't work


damn had such promise, hope nothing bad happen to the dev, hope one day it continues

Same here :(


Android and browser version please


Good lord some of these comments are cringe.

If any female within a 10 mile radius of you fucks anything that isn't you that means it's NTR.

You gotta be some large magnitude of cuck to feel threatened by a fucking bird.

Anyways, neat game, good art, shame development seems halted.


If it has a bigger dick than me then yessss i would like to kill it.


A more realistic approach whould be to loose interrest in the woman. Don't think she'd be more involved with you romance wise if she'd know you killed her pets, not to mention her sex toy/sex mate/partner.

The main character is basically spying on her - and on a bunch of other characters... She showed no interrest in him. If anything that's voyeur/privacy invasion/stalking.

The only two characters the MC is involved with that i know of are his sister the cute little redhead, and the village chief. Those two don't fuck around - that i know of - so there is not NTR per se.


The art's recycled from a few different games unfortunately

Mac download didn't work :(

doesnt work for mac the nwjs shuts down


judging based of comments and time played i can  type this project is on definite hold because covid 19 did start in  2020 it's now 2 years since the  corona virus hit, you gotta understand that due  to The Enforcement of lock downs and everyone is on tight budget and some people who has lost their jobs or even couldn't get a job, while The developer has this of job and probably  has Main job, because paying for art  work is expensive.

 The developer had some decent art too in The game and had Game Maker as The game engine, i think it's clearly The developer either had covid 19  or died or The developer couldn't keep The main job and i think we could all agree that if that's case  The developer wouldn't have had time to update The game or simply for got it, however i don't know  how much The developer has gotten for the game, during The donations or monthly payments or payments for The game, but it's save to assume The developer had to pay taxes for what The developer was earning at The Time, this can  lead to negative impact which can actually leads to the game remaining unfinished.

The overall score for the game: unfinished


this seems nice i wonder why it's abandoned

(1 edit)

I wonder this too


Deleted 3 years ago

It still abandoned, you can't even start to donate in his SubscribeStar anymore. If I would take a guess, I would say the dev passed away from covid-19 or something like that. He's not active even in his twitter account

Is there a way to proceed with Esme?  Is there an actual scene with her?

I haven't been able to play it as I don't have a pc at the moment but the character designs look so sexy and I can't wait to be able to play. Do you have any plans to make an android port?


This is abandoned my friend nothing to see here

following because it looks good. Wish it had linux though. Wine letting me down. :(

Will there be an APK version?

can you pls make the fighting faster i played the first fight in 30 to 50 seconds the game is in slowmotion


When update 0.2 will come


damn no futa, need futa


Any news something? 

(1 edit) (-2)

This is honestly a amazing game but I think there's a bug, I've completed tip #1 and #2 but three four and five don't update after I already did what the tip said to do and watch the sex scenes 


is this abandoned or is still going ?


Still going! Update 0.2 will be released soon.


So uh almost 2 months now


and no news updates or something im smelling the canceled soon


what version is it on the subscribe star

Currently the same!
A new build for subscribers will be releasing very soon.

The game looks interesting. But... I can't seem to pass the intro.

I got these errors:

Is there something wrong with the game? Or am I missing some files?

Try running as administrator, or redownloading the files.

Still can't, dude... Bummer...

Is this maybe has something to do with my running OS?

I'm using Windows 7, an older version one too.

It's entirely possible, but it's almost impossible for me to figure out the problem if I can't recreate it. An error message like that could mean almost anything in RPG Maker.

If you could try playing the game on a different system that might help test if your OS is the issue.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

HI perfect art, girls are awesome and all the choice possible.

We got a aunt, sis we need A MOM with MASSIVE tits

horse action in plan too?

do you plan it?


I've seen a lot of demands in this comment section, and I hope that you're still making the game you want to make, rather than adhere to every demand by any rando on the internet. If you're just buckling to demands, you're going to get annoyed and stop any work on this game before you know it.


No worries! Nothing in my vision has changed. A lot of "concerns" were things I already had planned, or I've made slight additions to plans here and there. Thanks for the concern!


I mean really it's too early to say, I mean I played it myself and I do get how one could see it as NTR, but really I just see it as an honest mistake, especially with the jumping of the gun with the tags. While I think all the critism is valid, the vitriol behind it is a little much. We'll just have to wait and see, though what does got me worried is before this there was one project that has been on hold for like a year or so, and I'm just naturally a hard person to trust, sure you can understand.


So, I see ALOT of potential here, and because of that I'm curious, since so many of the main character's love interests have massive chests and racks, who much titfucking can we expect in the future? Will all massive chests be properly fucked or only a handful? I HIGHLY IMPLORE to eventually put in more titfucks sense that goes hand-in-hand with breasts of that size!


No need to worry. I'm a big fan of paizuri.

Haha, great, can't wait to see how this game is gonna progress!


So why wont you answer any of the concerns about Ailla?

Which concerns do you mean? I've answered a couple questions previously about that particular quest line (can't recall exactly what users or websites), but I won't be divulging too many details about future game events.

(1 edit)

Whether or not shes actually a futa and whether it will be optional. Like a non futa variant or not. Those are the ones I've seen. 

The answer is both. Look forward to future updates from her!

So there will be a fully female option for her?



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